What you need to know

This course includes 10 guided therapeutic exercises to encourage you to explore your mixed experience. From your outer world encounters with strangers, right through to the inner workings of who you are, this space is made to challenge, stretch and support you journey through your individual mixed experience. PLEASE NOTE: This course is emotionally challenging. It is therefore advised that you consider your current emotional capacity before investing in it. This course is not a substitute for therapy. All signposting resources are UK based.

    1. Welcome!

    2. What You Need

    3. Take Care

    4. Safety Essentials

    1. Introduction

    2. Let's Check In

    3. Let's Talk About You

    4. Where You're At

    5. Reflection Point

    1. Introduction

    2. Let's Check In

    3. Mixed Experiences

    4. Let's Explore

    5. Reflection Point

    1. Introduction

    2. Let's Check In

    3. Circles of Proximity Instructions

    4. Circles of Proximity

    5. Family Dynamics Instructions

    6. Family Dynamics

    7. Reflection Point

    1. Introduction

    2. Let's Check In

    3. Lasting Impact

    4. Core Beliefs

    5. Reflection Point

    1. Introduction

    2. Let's Check In

    3. The Elements Within

    4. Tree of Identity

    5. Reflection Point

About this course

  • £89.00
  • 10 therapeutic exercises
  • Downloadable worksheets
  • Created by a licensed counsellor